Monday, December 3, 2012

I declare...

I am training for a 50k trail race. That's right: 31.0686 miles of dirt, rocks, trees, bugs, sweat, and blood. Its going to be awesome. A rational person would ask why I want to run 31 miles, when I've always said that the last four miles of any marathon are hellish. I have five reasons why (one for each additional mile):

1. I need a new experience and a BIGGER challenge. I know I can run 26 miles. I miss the nervous excitement about doing spectacular for the first time.
2. Trail runs usually start after sunrise. By training for a trail race, I get to sleep in on the weekends!
3. I heard they handout m&ms at the aid stations. Real m&ms are better than chocolate Gu. (If they have oatmeal raisin cookies, 50k may turn into a 100k as I do more loops past the aid station!)
4. After running for 31 miles, 26 should be a piece of cake. I will never b*itch about the last four miles of a marathon again...
5."Crazy explains so much"

Over the next three months, I will chronicle my training experience on this blog. My suffering shall be your amusement.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! Such an exciting decision, can't wait to hear all about it! When/Where is the race? Love you!
